Insanity is said to be the act of repeating the same action and expecting a different outcome. If that is the case then we […]

Insanity is said to be the act of repeating the same action and expecting a different outcome. If that is the case then we the Lebanese still in Lebanon […]
I’m a big softy for romanticism. So naturally when i heard that it was making a strong comeback in 2020 i immediately donned the proper apparel to write about it. […]
René Descartes famously said, ‘I think, therefor i am’ Fortunately for him he didn’t bear witness to the sea of online thoughts in 2020 on social medias or else he […]
It’s Easter, a quite fitting time for resurrections. I wrote this article some years ago to explain why i didn’t publish as much anymore. I just didn’t feel like it. […]
Lots of stuff is written about steroids in mass media but few take a moment to actually say something clear about both its pros & cons. For many people who […]
Whenever an article or blog post is published online a bevy of replies spawns out of nowhere. But regardless from where they pop up, they usually fall into a […]
Everybody loves to work, well granted not everybody but even those who love to work dose off sometimes at the office. Be it sleepiness, horniness, laziness or the usual […]
I loved the original Call of Duty 1. Fell in love with Call of Duty 2. Was mesmerized by Call of Duty Modern Warfare and then lost interest in the […]
Have you ever had the urge to pick up a blade and slice through hordes of people through and through ? Gracefully freestyling your way from beheadings to amputations […]
So what happens when you make passionate love conceiving a movie?? A product of sweet love that’s what, give and take a few sloppy sex moves here and there as […]
Insanity is said to be the act of repeating the same action and expecting a different outcome. If that is the case then we […]
I’m a big softy for romanticism. So naturally when i heard that it was making a strong comeback in 2020 i immediately donned the proper […]
Fury takes the best thing about World War 2 movies, which is killing Nazis in disproportionate numbers, and adds a buff topless Brad Pitt […]
I loved the original Call of Duty 1. Fell in love with Call of Duty 2. Was mesmerized by Call of Duty Modern Warfare and […]