The sound of social media silence

René Descartes famously said, ‘I think, therefor i am’

Fortunately for him he didn’t bear witness to the sea of online thoughts in 2020 on social medias or else he would have promptly reconsidered all this.

When the internet first appeared in prehistoric 90s it seemed interesting enough.

Sharing ideas by bloggers, programmers, academics and cyber-web rebels.

A few online games there, a few cracked software there, a few porn material there of dubious origins, all was fine.

It was a niche thing for a niche cult counter culture. Yes some were snobby but it was still bearable. Plus it was a virtual world built and inhabited by the anti socials to escape the endless platitudes of the real world with its normy tv programs, religions and boring obtuse established colorful societal norms.

It was fine tho, the normies could keep their barbie face world, and the introverts could now have their own with its new mysteries, blurred lines and fantasies.

It was the new wild wild west, ripe to conquer and explore.

Til social media came.

Social media came as subtlety as the Spaniards came unto the native south americans with their flues, guns and horses.

And kept coming they did, as more people joined the internet only to use social media for the ease with which it presented them to follow up on their grand social platitudes.

Not only could you now follow your favorite narcissist celebrities and politicians, but now the net, thanks to social media, gave you a whole new bevy of new celebrities and deep intellectuals to drool over also.

This was a buffet for normy fans who could now know who wore what where, what whomever ate when, who said that exquisite stupid thing and so on..

Not only that , but this new medium also conveniently allowed you to stalk them all in realtime, stalk your friends, stalk people you don’t even know, and get stalked yourself by equally bored netizens. For the sake of views, fame, money and acknowledgment, privacy was thrown to the wind. Anyone now could be a star and the net was your history of proud mistakes set in stone on social media.

The future was the limit, but now the future was the here and now.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Twitch, TikTok, whatever your fetish you could be served and you could service others.

All these platforms crave and survive on users to sell their data so they all applied the best science can offer in terms of behavioral manipulation to keep everyone addicted to them.

Yes you use them for free, but the only thing they need from you is your soul and your eyes for their ad revenue.

Hey whatever knocks your boat i am fine with that. If i was bored enough i would sell my soul to the devil also i guess.

Like i said we all used them, and most still use them. They are very good at burning time and self confidence.

But personally and i suppose also for many others, we reached a certain point in the past where all this theatrics by us and others on social media was not tenable nor bearable anymore.

All this social media generated content was in all honestly pointless. Insanity stacked upon fake inanity. And we quit.

Twitter for instance, in general, was and still is a public asylum for people to vent off whatever is up their derriere for that day. Personal life, social issues, everybody became Freud and Nietzsche and Margaret Thatcher with a speakerphone.

A cult of woke was born. Seeking that ever eternal flame of constantly nagging about everything and anything. Virtue signalling daily our delusions and misunderstandings of the basics of reality, science and life.

But who would you debate there? your friends? your colleagues? total strangers? and for what end?

Social media became a podium for every Tom, Dick and Lucy from the north pole to the hidden Nazi base in the south pole to express all their unfiltered dumb ideas proudly.

No need for a minimum level of debate skills, honesty or knowledge. Never acknowledge ignorance of anything. Everybody knows everything and they must go up the rooftops to shout it.

All you needed was to shout, accuse, play victim and do general histrionics to get the applaud of the equally unhinged netizens to win any argument by the sheer will of mass stupidity alone. If that doesnt work you can also censor the counter argument by claiming sexism, racism, enablism.. The mob and its endless social justice causes had your back. Until you disagreed with them on the preferred gender pronouns of your pink pet hamster at which point they didn’t. And the cycle of dumbfuckery repeated itself ad infinitum.

Instragram on the other hand is more refined. It didn’t get into retarded intellectual debate between idiots. Instead it just focuses on whoring flesh outright as much as possible for likes and followers. Instagram suddenly had models who didn’t need to pass through Victoria Secret selections anymore and everybody became an influencer. Influencers are like the philosophers of modern times if you didn’t know yet. They speak and influence many others. But unlike the primitive Greeks and Egyptian philosophers, influencers are hot and only speak words that they didn’t think of and only if paid enough by others to do so.

Twitch learned from Insta and just focused from the get go on creating a business model that involved barely dressed women playing games, and sometimes accidentally with themselves, to a thirsty audience of teen boys who daily donate their dad’s money for a reply here and half shown cleavage there while their favorite influencers pretends to play League of Legends or Counter Strike on a live stream for them.

We wont get much into Facebook as it is the disabled challenged platform of all social medias. I would feel insecure too if my sugar daddy bought Whatsapp and Insta and gave them all his attention.

Suffice to say facebook played an important role in pointing our the differences between you and your friends to properly put jealousy and wedges between all of you. If you were a leftist then you couldn’t be friends with centrists or rightwing ppl and vice versa. Facebook’s new friendship model consisting of liking remotely what someone ate or said on breakfast and agreeing with people you already agree with, became the new norm instead of actual normal sane friendships based on common values/points with normal differences, physical presence, respect and actual caring.

All of these things in effect flooded the whole of the internet and started a movement by big companies and all their ‘anti-establishment’ new culture normies to censor and edit and ban every good and bad thought out there that wasnt in compliance with theirs. It just wasn’t profitable to be a free thinker.

Any sane idea or person worth listening to would be now flooded by this cacaphony.

Any strange ideas were not allowed either as per George Orwell’s 1984 recommendations.

In 2020 we finally have a revised and certified new religious rulebook on how to speak, think, socialize, eat, shit and have sex. Not from Islam or Christianity this time tho, but from the social media normy zombies and their parent online companies.

Tell the world how you are a pansexual with 183 gender fluid characters and are being oppressed by people around you just breathing and you get accolades and a Youtube person of the year gold award.

Tell a friend on social media a joke or worse yet that you value sane traditional things like society being based on family and you get crucified in the west online for your bigotry and internalized patriarchy.

In 2020 western enlightenment reached the point where it is comparable now to the doctrines and ideologies of the medieval Christian Inquisition, radical Islam, and pure Stalinism and Nazism.

We don’t even close borders quickly enough now during pandemics for fear of being called racists.

And all this  due to social media. It is an achievement. To give a voice and platform to virtue signal for claps for every inbred imbecile in the world that is a sheep blindy aligned with globalist social/economic/consumerist trends without restrain or repercussions is awe inspiring.

But the world will excuse me if i keep my distance from all this online social insanity.

I know it’s tempting, but as in life so in society, you don’t put your dick in crazy.

I’ll keep my individualism, moral code and my cultural nationalism.

Everything else feels like herd behavior, aimless, annoying and counter liberal.

I prefer these days the sound of social media silence.

There is no need for me to hear the voice of everyone. They all sound the same now.

I’m only interested in new voices with new thoughts put into them.

It was a nice experiment when it started but now social media turned into a cross dressing angry Frankenstein monster.

I’ll just take over it the sound of a bird chirping anytime in the morning .